Saturday, May 30, 2009



The triceps kickback exercise works your triceps, which assist the chest in just about every pushing movement. Use caution when doing this move if you have elbow or lower-back problems.

How to do it:

1. Stand to the right of a flat bench.
2. Bend your left knee and rest it on the bench, and place your left hand ahead of you on the bench for balance. Your back should be as straight as possible.
3. Pick up a dumbbell in your right hand.
4. bend your arm and raise your elbow up to shoulder heaight.
5. Make sure the elbow stays close to the side of your body.
6. let the dumbbell hang.
7. Press the weight backuntil your forearm is parallel to the floor.
8. Squeeze your triceps and then slowly return to the starting point.
9. Finish one set, then switch sides and arms.
10. Only your upper arm should move, not your elbow!
11. Look straight ahead at all times.

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